Mission Statement
The SMT Early Music Analysis Group (EMAIG) aims to connect scholars of early music and to raise the profile of early music analysis within music's scholarly and performance communities. We foster conversations on all aspects of the analysis of early music, broadly construed.
EMAIG plans and presents special sessions at SMT, including a session on the Italian madrigals of Cipriano de Rore in 2016 and a panel of lightning talks on Palestrina's Missa Papae Marcelli in 2015. At our interest group meetings at SMT, we provide a forum for scholars of early music at all career stages to meet one another and we continue to assess the role of our interest group within SMT. We also plan special events, including our Biennial Conference.
Email List​
Those interested in joining the email list for the SMT EMAIG should visit our list page and click “Subscribe.” The email list serves to foster discussion, sharing of resources, and planning for future activities.